Monday, June 30, 2008

works in progress

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Olly and Charlie

Olly and Charlie are the best of friends. Look as they both stick out their tongues!
Looks like Charlie might be getting a little rough with Olly...
"It's ok Olly, I'll take care of you"
Watch as Charlie rocks Olly back and forth to comfort him.
Olly seems to really be enjoying this.
"ah, come on mah."
Now Olly's frantically wiggling his paws to try to break free of Charlie's death grip.
...because he can't wait to hump Jason's leg.
"was that good for you?"
"aaaand now I have to go potty."
Prophetic fridge.

Friday, June 20, 2008


The pretty dangle in my car.
big trees, little Olly

green pine cones?

this tree looks like a tree goddess.
these trees are about to hold hands.

Olly doing dog stuff
omg I totally have pants that match you!

water break

the road less traveled

don't try to play catch around Olly... he'll steal your ball!

so content.
